
Deploying the rollup contracts


Devnet / Stage / Testnet Deployments

The CI/CD pipeline will use the script in deploy/ to orchestrate deployments.

Local Deployments

To quickly bootstrap an anvil fork with our entire suite of mainnet contracts deployed run scripts/

Environment Variables When deploying to dev or testnet from a local machine, there are some required environment variables.


  • ETHEREUM_HOST - The rpc url you are targeting
  • PRIVATE_KEY - The private key you are deploying from


  • DEPLOYER_ADDRESS - The address of the key you are deploying from [default: the address matching the PRIVATE_KEY]
  • ROLLUP_PROVIDER_ADDRESS - The address to be added as a sequencer [default: DEPLOYER_ADDRESS]
  • FAUCET_CONTROLLER - The address that will be given superOperator privileges when the faucet is deployed [default: DEPLOYER_ADDRESS]
  • SAFE_ADDRESS - The address to own the deployed system [default: DEPLOYER_ADDRESS]
  • VK - The verification key type (VerificationKey1x1 | VerificationKey28x32 | MockVerifier) [default: MockVerifier]
  • UPGRADE - Flag to upgrade rollup to use the newest implementation [default: true]

How are deployments triggered?

Redeploying the testnet contracts can be done in one click with the redeploy-mainnet-fork circle ci workflow. To force deployments through ci there are override files for each environment inside the deploy folder (dev, testnet. stage). The deployment script it will check whether there is a diff in the target environment's file. E.g. if you want to force a redeploy in dev, changing the dev file will trigger it.
Please exercise caution in your commits that these files have not changed by accident.

How do downstream services consume the contract addresses?


For e2e tests the contracts service will serve deployed addresses using socat - see It will serve the deployment script output (/serve/deployment_addresses.json) on the defined port (8547 by default). When downstream services (kebab, falafel) boot they run an export_addresses script that consumes the contract addresses.


At the end of the deployments script, all critical addresses will be saved into terraform variables. They are consumed by downstream services as env vars at deploy time.

Getting started