ZkWhirl documentation

Documentation for zkWhirl, a private zero-knowledge L2 on the EVM


What is ZkWhirl ?

ZkWhirl is a private zk rollup on top of an EVM chain. It allows users to deposit assets, such as ETH, a withdraw on another address, anonymously. It uses Aztec Connect tech, built by the Aztec team, leading the efforts in zero-knowledge privacy.

It is different from solutions such as Tornado Cash, since it allows users to withdraw a lower amount than their initial deposit, but also to send each others assets anonymously, on the rollup. Users can transact, but no one can see their transaction history.

As a result, the anonymity set of zkWhirl is better. Indeed, when trying to deanonymize a withdrawal, one should consider now that it may also come from a deposit lower than the amount withdrawn. This increases drastically the set of potential transactions and creates a near-perfect privacy for users.


Step-by-step guides to setting up your system and installing ZkWhirl.

Architecture guide

Get an helicopter-view of the network's architecture

Aztec SDK

Learn how to use the Aztec SDK to interact with ZkWhirl

Learn about zero knowledge

Quick and easy intro to the world of zero knowledge